
第1回口頭弁論意見陳述その2- Hiroko Ishiyama

Let me start by saying I have been influenced by the Japanese culture through my father since I was small until now. I am Japanese by heart and by blood – My father is Japanese and I believe I have the right to be Japanese by paper. My younger sister Chieko Ishiyama has the same blood, and she is a Japanese citizen, when I was growing up, it hurt me so much when people assume that I was adopted by my parents because they had the knowledge that my younger sister is a Japanese citizen and I am not. I grew up believing that someday I would have the chance to be a Japanese citizen not just by heart nor by blood but also by paper. Now I have my chance to become a Japanese citizen.
In the past month, I have been preparing myself to go to Japan and prove myself to the nation of rising sun that I am ready to become one of its proud members, but, it depresses me when I heard that the government of my home country is hesitant to give me what is rightfully mine. I will remind you again that I am Japanese by blood and it pains me to hear that adopted children of other Japanese who married a Filipina with Filipino children was able to make those children Japanese. Isn’t this unfair? I who have a real blood of Japanese can’t be Japanese while people or a child who doesn’t even have a single percentage of Japanese blood can. I may not speak Nihongo fluently but I did not do anything wrong for me not to have what is rightfully mine. I have the right to be proud of my country. I have admired Japan for its rapid economic progress. I admire the Japanese culture for its conservatism and undisputed quality. Japan is my mother country, I believe this to be true in my heart but as long as I am a Filipino citizen I do not have the right to call Japan as my own. I wish to be part of the great nation that is Japan because I want to be proud of my country. I want to be proud to say where I am from and what my nationality is because as a Japanese citizen I believe I can use my potential fully in any venture that I will pursue because of the fragrant reputation that the Japanese people emit in a global scale.
Hiroko Jennifer Ishiyama


私は父を通じて小さいときから今まで、日本文化の影響を受けて育ってきました。 私の父は日本人です。私は、日本国の法律により日本国籍を持つ資格があると信じています。私の妹の石山チエコは、私と同じ父母の子で日本国籍を持っています。このことは、私が物心がついたころから、ずっと私の気持ちを傷つけてきました。特に傷ついたのは、周りの人が、私は、父の子でなく養子だと言っているのを聞いた時でした。
認知の子が申請により日本国籍がもらえると知って私の心は痛みました。 これは不公平ではないでしょうか。私は、両親の正式な結婚によって生まれた子です。日本人の血を持っています。私の日本語は今は達者ではありませんが、私は、これが私が本来持っている日本国籍を回復する妨げになるとは思いません。

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